
20 heel rare motorfietsen

Noem het lelijke eendjes, bijzonder zijn ze wel

2 okt 2019, 12:09  •  Nieuws  •  Door Bart Oostvogels

Het Instagram-account ‘fuckyourbikesucks‘ – pardon voor het taalgebruik – zet motoren in de aandacht die op z’n zachtst gezegd best raar zijn. Waarom doen de makers van deze Instagram-pagina dat? Omdat ze naar eigen zeggen schoon genoeg hebben van berichten op Instagram waarop ‘de mooiste motorfietsen ter wereld’ staan. Wat doe je dan? Dan zoek je de lelijke eendjes op.

Motorfiets 1: The CrotchRocket


Motorfiets 2: Gezellig camperen


Motorfiets 3: best aandoenlijk om te zien eigenlijk


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Today's lesson: 'HOW TO CONFUSE A POTATO BRAINED FARTSPAZ BY WRITING A CAPTION CONTAINING ONE OF THE EXACT COMMENTS THEY WERE ABOUT TO WRITE' : 'this doesn't suck' 'this is actually pretty cool' 'let's see what you ride' 'like it or not that's some pretty impressive work bro' 'who the fuck are you anyway' 'fuckin' sportster' 'you probably don't even ride' 'I'd ride it' 'I'd ride your mum' 'I ride my sister' 'you've totally hurt my feelings' 'you suck, this doesn't' 'that's my bike asshole, I'm going to find out where you live and pay you a visit . . . and politely ask myself in for milk and cookies and a sit-down to discuss this like civil humans and then we will probably be friends because we'll both have a laugh and tickle each other and realize it's all just a joke and then I'll feel a bit weird because there was maybe something slipped into my cup of my milk when I went to do pee pee up in your toilet then all of a sudden fucking hell I'm dizzy and what the fuck man, PLEASE, NO!!!, STOP!!!…..' . . . . . . . #fybs #custom #fuckit #fuckyourmainstreambuild #imbored #fuckit #custommade #fuckyourbikesucks #bleedingeyeballs #instamotogallery #motofuckery #motorcycles #chopped #chopper #harley #builtnotbought #ural #stayweird #ratbike #hd #choppershit #freakswillrule #builtnotbought #twowheels #weirdobikes #ftw #shrek #custommotorcycle #straightshitisboring #morefreaklessgeek

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Motorfiets 4: Supercomfortabel stuur

Motorfiets 5: Wulpse scooter

Motorfiets 6: “It’s an animal!”


Motorfiets 7: Getrompetter

Motorfiets 8: Een keer in het jaar is het tijd voor de scheerbeurt


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Hi, my name is Woody Microncock. I enjoy slow jogging with hairy strangers along beautiful highways, crafting roadkill underwear and headwear from near-dead native species and holding workshops in sculptural toenail clipping. I am one of the most talented near-extinct yak pelt sniffing experts in the field and get to travel the whole of the flat earth to compete in the most prestigious blindfolded yak pelt sniffing competitions. My current ongoing project (seen in the picture above) is collecting the beard trimmings of former urban cafe lumberjacks to adorn my furry follicle two wheeled ball tickling moto-chariot. I'm looking for like minded types interested in hairy collaborations. . . . . . . #follicles #fuckyourmainstreambuild #imbored #barfednotbought #custom #custommade #fuckyourbikesucks #redneckengineering #bleedingeyeballs #instamotogallery #motofuckery #motorcycles #chopped #chopper #harley #builtnotbought #freakbikers #stayweird #ratbike #hd #choppershit #freakswillrule #builtnotbought #twowheels #weirdobikes #ftw #custommotorcycle #shitbike #straightshitisboring #morefreaklessgeek

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Motorfiets 9: Ga er maar eens lekker voor zitten


Motorfiets 10: “I got the eye of the tiger”

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